家中的客廳往往是我們經常使用的空間,無論電視櫃還是茶几,都能一秒駕馭Luke 實木自由組合儲物櫃,造型小巧,可自由DIY自己想要的組合櫃,非常適合家裡空間不大,又有閒置空間的家庭。兩種顏色選擇,兩種顏色適用於多種裝修風格,客人可根據自己需求購買靈活多變,發掘更多用途自如切換多種身份,輕鬆融入不同生活場景。按需隨心組合擺放,層次感豐富,讓儲物不再受空間束縛。多格置物,靈活組合,結實耐用,是茶几也是收納櫃。單個櫃子放小角落,作床頭櫃、沙發邊櫃、換鞋凳都可。尺寸圖尺寸圖尺寸圖尺寸圖尺寸圖尺寸圖尺寸圖
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Supplementary Info
Luke solid wood free combination locker, compact shape, can be free to DIY their own want of the combined cabinet, very suitable for the home space is not large, and there is spare space for the family.
Luke solid wood free combination locker, compact shape, can be free to DIY their own want of the combined cabinet, very suitable for the home space is not large, and there is spare space for the family.
Two color options, two colors for a variety of decoration styles, guests can purchase according to their own needs
Two color options, two colors for a variety of decoration styles, guests can purchase according to their own needs
Multi-compartment storage, flexible combination, strong and durable, is a coffee table and storage cabinet.
Multi-compartment storage, flexible combination, strong and durable, is a coffee table and storage cabinet.
As needed, the combination is placed according to your needs, and the layers are rich, so that the storage is no longer bound by space.
As needed, the combination is placed according to your needs, and the layers are rich, so that the storage is no longer bound by space.
Flexible and changeable, explore more uses freely switch multiple identities, easily integrate into different life scenes.
Flexible and changeable, explore more uses freely switch multiple identities, easily integrate into different life scenes.
A single cabinet is put into a small corner, as a nightstand, sofa side cabinet, shoe stool can be used.
A single cabinet is put into a small corner, as a nightstand, sofa side cabinet, shoe stool can be used.
The living room of the home is often the space we use, whether it is a TV cabinet or a coffee table, can be harnessed in a second
The living room of the home is often the space we use, whether it is a TV cabinet or a coffee table, can be harnessed in a second
Dimension drawing
Dimension drawing
Dimension drawing
Dimension drawing
Dimension drawing
Dimension drawing
Dimension drawing
Dimension drawing
Dimension drawing
Dimension drawing
Dimension drawing
Dimension drawing
Dimension drawing
Dimension drawing

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stocked cabinet

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Storage cabinet

TV cabinet






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