窄玄關也能輕鬆擺放,比A4紙的寬度還要略窄1cm,提升狹窄空間利用率。翻門設計,更省空間,封閉式開合,避免鞋子落灰,拿放鞋也很方便。小型置物台,裝扮玄關空間,可擺上一些綠植,或陳列首飾收納盒,打造精緻角落。Noya 實木超薄鞋櫃,超薄櫃體,可直接擺放至玄關處,可加配衣帽架,美觀又實用雙排掛件區,翻倍收納小到鑰匙扣,大到衣物,進出門拿取更方便。20cm厚單層儲物,可收納12雙常規鞋,每層內置2個透明隔板,保持鞋子固定整齊。可配-定製隔斷,緩解開門見廳的尷尬爲空間增添一份秩序與層次感。客人實拍圖客人實拍圖客人實拍圖客人實拍圖客人實拍圖客人實拍圖客人實拍圖客人實拍圖客人實拍圖客人實拍圖客人實拍圖客人實拍圖尺寸圖尺寸圖尺寸圖尺寸圖
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Supplementary Info
Noya solid wood ultra-thin shoe cabinet, ultra-thin cabinet, can be placed directly to the entrance, can be added with a coat rack, beautiful and practical
Noya solid wood ultra-thin shoe cabinet, ultra-thin cabinet, can be placed directly to the entrance, can be added with a coat rack, beautiful and practical
The narrow entrance can also be easily placed, slightly narrower than the width of A4 paper by 1cm, improving the utilization of narrow space.
The narrow entrance can also be easily placed, slightly narrower than the width of A4 paper by 1cm, improving the utilization of narrow space.
Small storage table, decorate the entrance space, can be placed on some green plants, or display jewelry storage box, to create a delicate corner.
Small storage table, decorate the entrance space, can be placed on some green plants, or display jewelry storage box, to create a delicate corner.
Flip door design, more space saving, closed opening and closing, to avoid shoes falling ash, holding shoes is also very convenient.
Flip door design, more space saving, closed opening and closing, to avoid shoes falling ash, holding shoes is also very convenient.
Double row pendant area, double the storage of small to key chain, large to clothing, in and out to pick up more convenient.
Double row pendant area, double the storage of small to key chain, large to clothing, in and out to pick up more convenient.
20cm thick single-layer storage, can hold 12 pairs of conventional shoes, each layer built-in 2 transparent partitions, to keep the shoes fixed and neat.
20cm thick single-layer storage, can hold 12 pairs of conventional shoes, each layer built-in 2 transparent partitions, to keep the shoes fixed and neat.
Available - Custom partition to ease the embarrassment of opening the door to the hall to add a sense of order and hierarchy to the space.
Available – Custom partition to ease the embarrassment of opening the door to the hall to add a sense of order and hierarchy to the space.
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Dimension drawing
Dimension drawing
Dimension drawing
Dimension drawing
Dimension drawing
Dimension drawing
Dimension drawing
Dimension drawing

Additional information


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