百搭胡桃木色(鬥櫃掛衣架)容量堪比小衣櫃Sarah 實木儲物櫃連一體式衣帽架,多功能設計,造型小巧,非常適合細單位家庭多種顏色生活不止一種選擇不同顏色款式適配不同居家風格,根據需求按需購買櫃體可自由左右互裝,安裝前請與師傅確認好櫃體位置充分利用空間好看又百搭家中小面積也可以輕鬆GET這款哦,放牀邊放床尾都不會擋道簡直就是細睡房的福音,不受戶型限制,擺放自己定義。厚度剛好不佔過道空間櫃身厚度爲40cm,佔地面積小超省空間,即使放在牀尾也不會影響過道哦,輕鬆打造家居的美好點滴。枱面加寬40cm,可放常用物品/擺件/包包等,同時滿足你的展示欲,也給你的生活加點小情調。收納整潔臥室,不在話下,靈活收納長外套/長裙等,掛起來收納再省心不過啦,備用床品儲物邊櫃/小衣櫃,不慌亂翻找各有歸處。三斗櫃款尺寸圖六斗櫃款尺寸圖工廠實拍:Naomi實木儲物櫃連一體式衣帽架,原木色,120cm寬款工廠實拍:Naomi實木儲物櫃連一體式衣帽架,原木色,120cm寬款工廠實拍:Naomi實木儲物櫃連一體式衣帽架,原木色,120cm寬款工廠實拍:Naomi實木儲物櫃連一體式衣帽架,原木色,120cm寬款工廠實拍:Naomi實木儲物櫃連一體式衣帽架,原木色,120cm寬款
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Supplementary Info
Sarah solid wood locker with integrated coat and hat rack, multi-functional design, small shape, very suitable for small unit family
Sarah solid wood locker with integrated coat and hat rack, multi-functional design, small shape, very suitable for small unit family
Everything walnut color (bucket cabinet hanger) capacity comparable to a small wardrobe
Everything walnut color (bucket cabinet hanger) capacity comparable to a small wardrobe
A variety of color life more than one choice of different color styles for different home styles, according to demand on demand purchase
A variety of color life more than one choice of different color styles for different home styles, according to demand on demand purchase
Make full use of the space beautiful and a small area of the home can also easily GET this oh, put the bed and the end of the bed will not be in the way is simply the Gospel of the fine bedroom, not subject to the restrictions of the house, put their own definition.
Make full use of the space beautiful and a small area of the home can also easily GET this oh, put the bed and the end of the bed will not be in the way is simply the Gospel of the fine bedroom, not subject to the restrictions of the house, put their own definition.
The thickness of the cabinet body is 40cm, the floor area is small and super space saving, even if it is placed at the end of the bed, it will not affect the aisle, and it is easy to create a beautiful bit of home.
The thickness of the cabinet body is 40cm, the floor area is small and super space saving, even if it is placed at the end of the bed, it will not affect the aisle, and it is easy to create a beautiful bit of home.
The cabinet can be installed freely, please confirm the position of the cabinet with the master before installation
The cabinet can be installed freely, please confirm the position of the cabinet with the master before installation
Table width of 40cm, you can put commonly used items/ornaments/bags, etc., at the same time to meet your desire to display, but also to add a little mood to your life.
Table width of 40cm, you can put commonly used items/ornaments/bags, etc., at the same time to meet your desire to display, but also to add a little mood to your life.
Storage clean bedroom, no words, flexible storage long coat/long skirt, etc., hang up storage again worry, spare bed storage side cabinet/small wardrobe, do not panic rummaging each has a home.
Storage clean bedroom, no words, flexible storage long coat/long skirt, etc., hang up storage again worry, spare bed storage side cabinet/small wardrobe, do not panic rummaging each has a home.
Three bucket cabinet size drawing
Three bucket cabinet size drawing
Six bucket cabinet size drawing
Six bucket cabinet size drawing

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Storage cabinet






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