工廠實拍: Sophia實木岩板茶几,原木色工廠實拍: Sophia實木岩板茶几,原木色工廠實拍: Sophia實木岩板茶几,原木色工廠實拍: Sophia實木岩板茶几,原木色工廠實拍: Sophia實木岩板茶几,原木色工廠實拍: Sophia實木岩板茶几,原木色工廠實拍: Sophia實木岩板茶几,原木色Sophia 實木岩板茶几 ,可移動設計,枱面採用岩板,造型小巧,外型美觀,細單位的不二之選清新橡膠木,搭配魚肚白巖板,有着漂亮的光澤感提供不同的選擇,不同的款式與顏色,搭配不同風格的生活多層儲物抽屜,隱藏不易落灰,縱深儲物,隱祕抽屜,隨心放客人實拍圖客人實拍圖客人實拍圖客人實拍圖客人實拍圖客人實拍圖客人實拍圖尺寸圖
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Supplementary Info
Sophia solid wood rock panel coffee table, movable design, using rock panel on the table surface, small shape, beautiful appearance, the best choice for small units
Sophia solid wood rock panel coffee table, movable design, using rock panel on the table surface, small shape, beautiful appearance, the best choice for small units
Multi-layer storage drawer, hiding is not easy to fall ash, deep storage, secret drawer, please put
Multi-layer storage drawer, hiding is not easy to fall ash, deep storage, secret drawer, please put
Provide different choices, different styles and colors, with different styles of life
Provide different choices, different styles and colors, with different styles of life
Fresh rubber wood, with fish belly white rock board, has a beautiful luster
Fresh rubber wood, with fish belly white rock board, has a beautiful luster
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Dimension drawing
Dimension drawing

Additional information


online products

Ready-made coffee table





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