Xander 圓形岩板伸縮餐 枱,收起來僅有120cmx120cm,完全展開寬度可達到155cm,非常適合細單位日常使用與多人聚餐可圓可橢圓靈活伸縮,圓枱、橢圓枱自由變換自由變換,細空間也可以有一張大桌子無論是三口溫馨之家,還是親朋好友歡聚都能輕鬆應對未伸縮前的尺寸為1200mm直徑,非常適合喜歡圓枱的家庭圓潤邊角 兼顧美學實用餐枱面板邊沿經過細緻打磨,觸感光滑細膩細心穩固實木底座,穩固承重,安全美觀滿滿的踏實感讓空間更顯精緻,展現出獨特的美感可搭配網站的餐椅一同購買使用
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Supplementary Info
Xander round rock plate table, put away only 120cmx120cm, fully expanded width can reach 155cm, very suitable for daily use of small units and large groups of dinner
Xander round rock plate table, put away only 120cmx120cm, fully expanded width can reach 155cm, very suitable for daily use of small units and large groups of dinner
The circle can be flexible and elliptical, the table and oval table can change freely, and the small space can also have a big table, whether it is a warm home of three people, or relatives and friends can easily cope with it
The circle can be flexible and elliptical, the table and oval table can change freely, and the small space can also have a big table, whether it is a warm home of three people, or relatives and friends can easily cope with it
The size before expansion is 1200mm diameter, perfect for families who like round tables
The size before expansion is 1200mm diameter, perfect for families who like round tables
The edges of the dining table panel have been carefully polished, and the touch is smooth and delicate
The edges of the dining table panel have been carefully polished, and the touch is smooth and delicate
Solid wood base, stable load-bearing, safe and beautiful full sense of practicality makes the space more delicate, showing a unique sense of beauty
Solid wood base, stable load-bearing, safe and beautiful full sense of practicality makes the space more delicate, showing a unique sense of beauty
It can be purchased with the dining chair from the website
It can be purchased with the dining chair from the website

Additional information


slate table

online products

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Extendable dining table







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