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$2,300 / ft (Inquire)
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Supplementary Info

Originally an ordinary master room, because of a headboard, it became noble and grand, adding to the soul of the design. Many people may not know that the lines of the headboard can actually be designed at will. If the headboard is directly to the top, it will make the bedroom extra noble.


The hydraulic bed that opens the platform actually has a unique design. The compartments of each cabinet and bucket on the floor are actually carefully designed, and the size of each small compartment is the result of detailed discussions with the owner. In many cases, in addition to being beautiful, practicality is also very important. Therefore, we will communicate deeply with our customers about every design detail.

The corner wardrobe adopts a door-to-top solution, making the entire floor of the master room extremely wide. The back of the dressing table is covered with a black mirror to create a sparkling effect. Add an extra touch of elegance to the master room.


If you also want to have a master room with design style, please contact us to get your caprentry work done to discuss customized furniture solutions.

Whatsapp inquiry for quotation

Additional information

Bedroom Cabinet


Raised Platform

Storage Bed


Platform Bed

Dressing Table







非常抱歉! 2022年11月7日沙田石門門市內部裝修,休業一天,如有查詢歡迎whatsapp 我們 

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