There are actually many ways to separate rooms, and each method has different advantages and disadvantages. Did you know? This time, let Good Furniture discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different room methods together.
wall brick room
隔音 | 好 |
施工時間 | 2週 |
灰塵量 | 極多 |
必須搬走 | 是的 |
價錢 | 貴 |
wooden room
隔音 | 一般 |
施工時間 | 5天 |
灰塵量 | 極多 |
必須搬走 | 批灰油油時灰塵大 |
價錢 | 便宜 |
Gypsum board room
隔音 | 如果只是純石膏板的話,隔音效果和木板差不多,但如果中間加隔音綿,隔音效果會更好。注意隔音綿有不同的級數和防火規格 |
施工時間 | 1天 |
灰塵量 | 極多 |
必須搬走 | 批灰油油時灰塵大 |
價錢 | 便宜 |
furniture room
隔音 | 視乎儲物櫃內的物件數量。如用衣櫃間房,衣櫃內掛滿衣物,隔音效果可以比木板更加好。 |
施工時間 | 1天 |
灰塵量 | 極少 |
必須搬走 | 不需要,安裝傢俬可以一日完成 |
價錢 | 零,因為傢俬本身都有著實際的作用。例如衣櫃本身就可以用來儲放衣物,只是順便可以用來間埋房。 |

If you also want to use furniture to separate rooms, you are welcome to contact our furniture salesmen at any time.