Piper落地儲物書櫃,活用轉角收納不用愁,非常適合細單位兩種配色兩種尺寸,可選豐富空間層次感物品多空間少讓閒置角落"活起來",有效利用不起眼的角落寬大“格局”,書本豎放平放都適宜,16開或者36開的書籍,都能輕鬆放入多層大容量,收納瑣碎雜物 盡收囊中,充分利用垂直空間,提高空間的利用率客人實拍圖客人實拍圖客人實拍圖客人實拍圖客人實拍圖尺寸圖
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Supplementary Info
Piper floor-to-ceiling bookcase for corner storage, perfect for small units
Piper floor-to-ceiling bookcase for corner storage, perfect for small units
Two colors and two sizes can be selected to enrich the sense of space hierarchy
Two colors and two sizes can be selected to enrich the sense of space hierarchy
More items and less space make idle corners "live" and make effective use of inconspicuous corners
More items and less space make idle corners “live” and make effective use of inconspicuous corners
Multi-layer large capacity, the collection of trivial debris in the bag, make full use of vertical space, improve the utilization of space
Multi-layer large capacity, the collection of trivial debris in the bag, make full use of vertical space, improve the utilization of space
Wide "pattern", books are suitable for vertical and flat,16 open or 36 open books, can be easily put into
Wide “pattern”, books are suitable for vertical and flat,16 open or 36 open books, can be easily put into
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Dimension drawing
Dimension drawing

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