現代家居風格的優雅典範:從一張餐桌說起 在現代家居中,每一個細節都蘊含著設計的巧思和生活的智慧。而餐桌作為家庭的核心區域,更是展現了現代家居風格的精髓。從材質、線條到裝飾,餐桌上的每一個元素都為我們提供了一個窺探現代家居風格的視窗。馬肚形的餐枱,平日適合4-6人食飯,一抽一拉即可以開出一張圓形大餐枱,8-10人都夠坐。團團圓圓,一家人齊齊整整,過時過節能夠有張大圓枱食飯,特別窩心溫暖。圓形的岩板餐桌,作為一種簡約、純淨的色彩,賦予了餐桌清新、雅致的氛圍。與此同時,圓潤的形狀則流露出一種溫馨、和諧的家居氣息。在這樣的餐桌旁,家庭成員圍坐一堂,分享美食的同時也分享著彼此的情感與故事。Flex岩板伸縮圓餐桌 (左右拉伸J16款)1.35米尺寸Flex岩板伸縮圓餐桌 (左右拉伸J16款)1.5米尺寸Flex岩板伸縮圓餐桌 (左右拉伸J16款)1.3米尺寸Flex岩板伸縮圓餐桌 (左右拉伸J16款)1.2米尺寸
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Supplementary Info
The round rock table, as a simple and pure color, gives the table a fresh and elegant atmosphere. At the same time, the rounded shape reveals a warm and harmonious home atmosphere. At such a table, family members sit together and share their feelings and stories while sharing food.
The round rock table, as a simple and pure color, gives the table a fresh and elegant atmosphere. At the same time, the rounded shape reveals a warm and harmonious home atmosphere. At such a table, family members sit together and share their feelings and stories while sharing food.
An elegant example of modern home style: Starting from a table In the modern home, every detail contains the ingenuity of design and the wisdom of life. The dining table, as the core area of the family, shows the essence of modern home style. Every element of the table, from material to molding to decoration, provides us with a window into the modern home style.
An elegant example of modern home style: Start with a dining table
In the modern home, every detail contains the ingenuity of design and the wisdom of life. The dining table, as the core area of the family, shows the essence of modern home style. Every element of the table, from material to molding to decoration, provides us with a window into the modern home style.
Horsebelt-shaped dining table, usually suitable for 4-6 people to eat dinner, a draw can be opened up a round dining table,8-10 people can sit. Round and round, the family is neat, outdated festivals can have a big table to eat dinner, especially warm heart.
Horsebelt-shaped dining table, usually suitable for 4-6 people to eat dinner, a draw can be opened up a round dining table,8-10 people can sit. Round and round, the family is neat, outdated festivals can have a big table to eat dinner, especially warm heart.
Flex Flex Table (left and right stretch J16) 1.2m size
Flex Flex Table (left and right stretch J16) 1.2m size
Flex Flex Table (left and right stretch J16) 1.3m size
Flex Flex Table (left and right stretch J16) 1.3m size
Flex Flex Table (J16) 1.35m size
Flex Flex Table (J16) 1.35m size
Flex telescopic table table (left and right stretch J16) 1.5m size
Flex telescopic table table (left and right stretch J16) 1.5m size


Extendable dining table



slate table

online products

Sintered stone extendable dining table





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