摺疊後可坐2-4人,佔地Caden 實木折疊伸縮餐枱,摺疊餐枱一轉一翻,小枱變大枱,非常適合細單位一張枱,一翻一轉解鎖兩種狀態,60cm方枱變1m2長枱,可用面積翻倍,像翻書一樣簡單輕鬆,一個人就能操作展開狀態 滿足三兩好友歡聚時光可坐4-6人,邀上親朋好友,一起享受週末時光。靠牆而立,更省空間枱腿內收,可以避開踢腳線,靠牆放置,擴大餐廳的可活動範圍。100%純實木-環保又耐用從源頭拒絕甲醛/異味,堅決不使用中纖板、密度板、顆粒板等惡劣材質,拒絕以次充好。高品質環保漆,無異味更健康選用高品質淨味油漆,四次開放式噴塗,安全又健康,家人用着更安心。金屬合頁耐用性強,經過數次循環摺疊試驗,不易損壞。尺寸圖Caden實木折疊伸縮餐枱,原木色Caden實木折疊伸縮餐枱,原木色Caden實木折疊伸縮餐枱,原木色Caden實木折疊伸縮餐枱,原木色Caden實木折疊伸縮餐枱,原木色
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Supplementary Info
Caden solid wood folding table, folding table a turn, small table to big table, very suitable for fine units
Caden solid wood folding table, folding table a turn, small table to big table, very suitable for fine units
A table, a turn to unlock two states,60cm square table to 1m2 long table, usable area doubled, as simple and easy as turning a book, a person can operate
A table, a turn to unlock two states,60cm square table to 1m2 long table, usable area doubled, as simple and easy as turning a book, a person can operate
Open state to meet three or two friends can sit 4-6 people, invite friends and family, enjoy the weekend time together.
Open state to meet three or two friends can sit 4-6 people, invite friends and family, enjoy the weekend time together.

After folding, it can sit 2-4 people, occupy an area of <0.5m, hide 50% of the dining space, and can also be used as a book table
After folding, it can sit 2-4 people, occupy an area of <0.5m, hide 50% of the dining space, and can also be used as a book table[/caption] [caption id="attachment_739664" align="alignnone" width="360"]Standing against the wall, more space saving table legs retraction, can avoid the kickline, placed against the wall, expand the restaurant can move.Standing against the wall, more space saving table legs retraction, can avoid the kickline, placed against the wall, expand the restaurant can move.

High-quality environmental protection paint, no odor more healthy selection of high-quality clean taste paint, four open spraying, safe and healthy, family use more peace of mind.
High-quality environmental protection paint, no odor more healthy selection of high-quality clean taste paint, four open spraying, safe and healthy, family use more peace of mind.
100% pure solid wood - environmental protection and durable from the source to reject formaldehyde/odor, resolutely do not use MDF, density board, particle board and other bad materials, refuse to shoddy.
100% pure solid wood – environmental protection and durable from the source to reject formaldehyde/odor, resolutely do not use MDF, density board, particle board and other bad materials, refuse to shoddy.
The metal hinge has strong durability and is not easy to be damaged after several cycle folding tests.
The metal hinge has strong durability and is not easy to be damaged after several cycle folding tests.
Dimension drawing
Dimension drawing

Additional information



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Solid wood dining table

Dining table and chair set






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