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Supplementary Info
Thiago solid wood stacked stool dining chair, small shape, very suitable for small units
Thiago solid wood stacked stool dining chair, small shape, very suitable for small units
With a variety of colors to choose from, there is always one to suit your style
With a variety of colors to choose from, there is always one to suit your style
Stack design, save space, can be stacked when not in use, occupying less than 0.1 square meters
Stack design, save space, can be stacked when not in use, occupying less than 0.1 square meters
There are also soft bags to choose from, a combination of comfort and beauty
There are also soft bags to choose from, a combination of comfort and beauty
Suitable height, comfortable sitting posture, avoid too low leg bending discomfort, adjust the appropriate height according to the human skeleton.
Suitable height, comfortable sitting posture, avoid too low leg bending discomfort, adjust the appropriate height according to the human skeleton.
Two styles of modeling, this is a round stool in the picture, the outer edge carefully rounded corners polishing
Two styles of modeling, this is a round stool in the picture, the outer edge carefully rounded corners polishing
The style in the picture is a square stool, the style of the old times, the elders of the family will prefer
The style in the picture is a square stool, the style of the old times, the elders of the family will prefer
The use of solid wood, from the fundamental realization of zero formaldehyde
The use of solid wood, from the fundamental realization of zero formaldehyde
Suitable for a variety of decoration styles, can be used with any dining table
Suitable for a variety of decoration styles, can be used with any dining table
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Size drawing of round stool
Size drawing of round stool
Square stool dimensions
Square stool dimensions

Additional information

stocked dinning chair

online products

Stackable Stool






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