Sobo馬肚形岩板餐枱 (交叉腳架802款)品味與時尚的邂逅:岩板餐桌與交叉金屬腳設計的完美融合,承重力出色,岩板枱面不易「食色」或染色,更容易打理。枱腳有2個顏色可選 (注意尺寸有所不同),金色和粉紫色,帶有金屬質感的魅力,配合岩板桌面,輕鬆營造室內的輕奢感。馬肚形枱面更適合聚餐,一家人圍在一起開開心心吃飯,吃中餐和西餐同樣適合。岩板的獨特魅力:餐桌表面採用優質岩板製造,白色和灰色石紋,彷彿是大自然的饋贈。每一道紋理都散發著天然石材的質感,為您的用餐空間注入一份高貴與典雅。無論是家庭聚會還是商務宴請,都能彰顯您的品味與格調。Sobo馬肚形岩板餐枱設有1.3米、1.4米和1.6米的選擇,想要大枱和超大枱的客人都會找到自己的心頭好!馬肚形圓弧岩板桌面,流線形設計,食飯不會頂住自己,亦可保護小孩的安全,內外兼備,全方位守護家人。碳素鋼枱腳設計:枱腳採用碳素鋼金屬材質,經過精細加工呈現出獨特的X形設計。這種設計不僅增加了餐桌的穩定性,還為其增添了一份現代感。金屬與岩板枱面的完美結合,使餐桌更具時尚感和質感。無論是搭配簡約還是現代風格的家居環境,都能相得益彰。工廠實拍: Sobo馬肚形岩板餐枱 (交叉腳架#802款),1.4米款,亮光香奈兒,莫蘭紫腳工廠實拍: Sobo馬肚形岩板餐枱 (交叉腳架#802款),1.4米款,亮光香奈兒,莫蘭紫腳工廠實拍: Sobo馬肚形岩板餐枱 (交叉腳架#802款),1.4米款,亮光香奈兒,莫蘭紫腳工廠實拍: Sobo馬肚形岩板餐枱 (交叉腳架#802款),1.4米款,亮光香奈兒,莫蘭紫腳工廠實拍: Sobo馬肚形岩板餐枱 (交叉腳架#802款),1.4米款,亮光香奈兒,莫蘭紫腳工廠實拍: Sobo馬肚形岩板餐枱 (交叉腳架#802款),1.4米款,亮光香奈兒,莫蘭紫腳餐枱尺寸: 長1300mm x 寬800mm x  高 750mm, 莫蘭紫腳餐枱尺寸: 長1400mm x 寬800mm x  高 750mm, 莫蘭紫腳餐枱尺寸: 長1600mm x 寬900mm x  高 750mm, 金腳餐枱尺寸: 長1400mm x 寬800mm x  高 750mm, 金腳
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Supplementary Info
Carbon steel table foot design: The table foot is made of carbon steel metal material, and presents a unique X-shaped design after fine processing. This design not only increases the stability of the table, but also adds a modern feel to it. The perfect combination of metal and SLATE table makes the dining table more stylish and textured. Whether it is with a simple or modern style of home environment, it can complement each other.
Carbon steel table foot design: The table foot is made of carbon steel metal material, and presents a unique X-shaped design after fine processing. This design not only increases the stability of the table, but also adds a modern feel to it. The perfect combination of metal and SLATE table makes the dining table more stylish and textured. Whether it is with a simple or modern style of home environment, it can complement each other.
Horse belly arc rock plate desktop, linear design, food will not stand up to themselves, but also protect the safety of children, both inside and outside, all-round protection of the family.
Horse belly arc rock plate desktop, linear design, food will not stand up to themselves, but also protect the safety of children, both inside and outside, all-round protection of the family.
The table foot has 2 colors to choose from (note that the size is different), gold and pink purple, with the charm of metal texture, with the rock table top, easily create the light luxury of the room.
The table foot has 2 colors to choose from (note that the size is different), gold and pink purple, with the charm of metal texture, with the rock table top, easily create the light luxury of the room.
The meeting of taste and fashion: The perfect fusion of rock table and cross-metal foot design, excellent load-bearing, rock table surface is not easy to "eat" or stain, easier to care for.
The meeting of taste and fashion: The perfect fusion of rock table and cross-metal foot design, excellent load-bearing, rock table surface is not easy to “eat” or stain, easier to care for.
The horse belly table is more suitable for dinner, and the family eats happily together, eating Chinese and Western food is also suitable.
The horse belly table is more suitable for dinner, and the family eats happily together, eating Chinese and Western food is also suitable.
Sobo horsebelly table with 1.3 m, 1.4 m and 1.6 m options, want to large and oversized table guests will find their own heart!
Sobo horsebelly table with 1.3 m, 1.4 m and 1.6 m options, want to large and oversized table guests will find their own heart!
The unique charm of the rock board: The table surface is made of high-quality rock board, white and gray stone pattern, as if it is a gift from nature. Each texture exudes the texture of natural stone, infusing your dining space with nobility and elegance. Whether it is a family party or a business banquet, it can highlight your taste and style.
The unique charm of the rock board: The table surface is made of high-quality rock board, white and gray stone pattern, as if it is a gift from nature. Each texture exudes the texture of natural stone, infusing your dining space with nobility and elegance. Whether it is a family party or a business banquet, it can highlight your taste and style.
Table size: Length 1300mmx width 800mmx height 750mm, Moran purple feet
Table size: Length 1300mmx width 800mmx height 750mm, Moran purple feet
Table size: Length 1600mmx width 900mmx height 750mm, gold feet
Table size: Length 1600mmx width 900mmx height 750mm, gold feet
Table size: Length 1400mmx width 800mmx height 750mm, gold feet
Table size: Length 1400mmx width 800mmx height 750mm, gold feet
Table dimensions: Length 1400mmx width 800mmx height 750mm, Moran purple feet
Table dimensions: Length 1400mmx width 800mmx height 750mm, Moran purple feet

Additional information



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非常抱歉! 2022年11月7日沙田石門門市內部裝修,休業一天,如有查詢歡迎whatsapp 我們 

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