只佔不足0.3m小巧方正 隨心移動佔地約0.3m,輕鬆“嵌入“家中任意空白角落。睡房新寵 隨心所用臥室多能升降邊幾,追劇零食隨心放、一枱多用。輕輕一按枱面即可實現升降功能,只需輕輕一按,即可輕鬆調節面板的高度,滿足不同的使用需求。自由移動萬向滑輪,輕輕推動就能走可升降旋轉360°枱面,精巧設計帶來的全新辦公體驗甄選橡膠木陪你不止十年時光木質堅硬穩重,且承重力更高更結實,加厚實木。客廳閱讀觸手可及沙發邊的升降桌,隨手拿取,無需起身。離地高度53CM,觸手可及的便捷生活藝術,可當辦公枱使用升起秒變辦公枱升起高度68CM,辦公姿勢更舒適。Parker 實木可移動升降茶几,可移動可旋轉設計,非常適合細單位家庭三種顏色選擇,圖片中為胡桃色三種顏色選擇,圖片中為白色三種顏色選擇,圖片中為原木色開放通透儲物區,滿載着生活的美好圓角設計,為家人的安全作保障可旋轉大枱面,寬大的枱面 隨手安心置物床邊的筆記本、餐枱旁的餐具皆有處可依。工廠實拍:Parker實木可移動升降茶几_原木色工廠實拍:Parker實木可移動升降茶几_原木色工廠實拍:Parker實木可移動升降茶几_原木色工廠實拍:Parker實木可移動升降茶几_原木色工廠實拍:Parker實木可移動升降茶几_原木色工廠實拍:Parker實木可移動升降茶几_原木色工廠實拍:Parker實木可移動升降茶几_原木色工廠實拍:Parker實木可移動升降茶几_原木色尺寸圖
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Supplementary Info
Parker solid wood movable lifting coffee table, movable and rotating design, ideal for small unit families
Parker solid wood movable lifting coffee table, movable and rotating design, ideal for small unit families
The new pet of the bedroom can be used to raise and lower the side of the bedroom, the catch-up snacks can be put, and the table is multi-purpose.
The new pet of the bedroom can be used to raise and lower the side of the bedroom, the catch-up snacks can be put, and the table is multi-purpose.
The small square is free to move an area of about 0.3m, easily "embedded" in any blank corner of the home.
The small square is free to move an area of about 0.3m, easily “embedded” in any blank corner of the home.
The rising height of the office desk is 68CM, and the office posture is more comfortable.
The rising height of the office desk is 68CM, and the office posture is more comfortable.
Open and transparent storage area, full of the beauty of life
Open and transparent storage area, full of the beauty of life
Select rubber wood to accompany you for more than ten years. The wood is hard and stable, and the bearing capacity is higher and stronger.
Select rubber wood to accompany you for more than ten years. The wood is hard and stable, and the bearing capacity is higher and stronger.
Living room reading can be reached at the sofa side of the lifting table, handy to pick up, without getting up.
Living room reading can be reached at the sofa side of the lifting table, handy to pick up, without getting up.
53CM above the ground, convenient art of living at your fingertips, can be used as an office desk
53CM above the ground, convenient art of living at your fingertips, can be used as an office desk
Can lift and rotate 360° table surface, exquisite design brings new office experience
Can lift and rotate 360° table surface, exquisite design brings new office experience
Free movement of the cardan pulley, gently push to go
Free movement of the cardan pulley, gently push to go
Just press the table surface to achieve the lifting function, just press the surface, you can easily adjust the height of the panel to meet different needs.
Just press the table surface to achieve the lifting function, just press the surface, you can easily adjust the height of the panel to meet different needs.
Three color options, the picture is the original wood color
Three color options, the picture is the original wood color
Three color options, white in the picture
Three color options, white in the picture
Three color options, walnut in the picture
Three color options, walnut in the picture
Rounded corner design for the safety of the family
Rounded corner design for the safety of the family
Large table surface can be rotated, the wide table surface can easily place the notebook at the bedside and the tableware next to the table can be relied on.
Large table surface can be rotated, the wide table surface can easily place the notebook at the bedside and the tableware next to the table can be relied on.
Dimension drawing
Dimension drawing

Additional information

Ready-made coffee table

Lift-top Coffee Table




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