簡約外觀,通透有型。 長虹玻璃臺面,自帶朦朧感。 印尼進口藤編,百搭又耐看。 北美FAS橡木,紋理清晰美觀。坐在沙發上不用起身就能拿取物品,坐在地上也可愜意看書辦公。茶幾腿部以圓柱形呈現,邊角弧形圓角處理,高挑美觀,承重性也很好。清新藤編置物層板,配以開放式設計,儲物空間增加的同時,視覺上也更顯輕盈透氣。臺面采用加厚長虹玻璃,超白鋼化條紋朝下,自帶朦朧美感。簡約流暢的線條,加以玻璃與藤編的組合,雙層鏤空層板,讓視覺更通透。清爽文藝,享受客廳裏的「小確幸」。Elizabeth玻璃面實木藤編茶几_尺寸圖
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Supplementary Info
Coffee table appearance is simple, transparent and shaped, long rainbow glass table surface, with a hazy sense, flat surface, concave and convex glass face down. The lower storage shelf is made of rattan woven from Indonesia with wood frame, which is versatile and durable. North American FAS oak with clear and beautiful texture.
Coffee table appearance is simple, transparent and shaped, long rainbow glass table surface, with a hazy sense, flat surface, concave and convex glass face down. The lower storage shelf is made of rattan woven from Indonesia with wood frame, which is versatile and durable. North American FAS oak with clear and beautiful texture.
Refreshing literature, enjoy the living room in the "small luck".
Refreshing literature, enjoy the living room in the “small luck”.
Simple and smooth lines, with the combination of glass and rattan, double hollow laminate, so that the vision is more transparent.
Simple and smooth lines, with the combination of glass and rattan, double hollow laminate, so that the vision is more transparent.
The surface is made of thickened long iris glass, super white tempered stripe facing down, with a hazy aesthetic feeling.
The surface is made of thickened long iris glass, super white tempered stripe facing down, with a hazy aesthetic feeling.
Fresh rattan storage laminate, with open design, increased storage space at the same time, visually more light and breathable.
Fresh rattan storage laminate, with open design, increased storage space at the same time, visually more light and breathable.
The feet of the coffee table are presented in a cylindrical shape, the corners are curved and rounded, and the bearing capacity is also very good.
The feet of the coffee table are presented in a cylindrical shape, the corners are curved and rounded, and the bearing capacity is also very good.
Sitting on the sofa can take items without getting up, sitting on the ground can also be comfortable reading office.
Sitting on the sofa can take items without getting up, sitting on the ground can also be comfortable reading office.
Elizabeth glass veneer solid wood rattan coffee table _ Dimensional drawing
Elizabeth glass veneer solid wood rattan coffee table _ Dimensional drawing

Additional information


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Ready-made coffee table





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