想在客廳放多一張床備用,好讓親友來過夜都可以睡得舒舒服服,但又不想訂造隱形床?梳化床應該是你的首選了!Echo科技布床褥梳化床是翻揭式變形設計,附有獨立床褥,梳化還梳化,床還床,兩種功能,兩件傢俬,二合為一,同時保留床和梳化優點。有些人不喜歡睡梳化,因為覺得梳化會被很多人坐過,有客人到訪也會坐到梳化上,Echo科技布床褥梳化床就可以解決這個問題了,床褥是獨立收藏在梳化內,平時使用梳化狀態時,是完全不會接觸到床褥的,而且可以自行為床褥加上床笠或床單,更加衛生乾淨。科技布表面比一般麻布、絨布易打理,也更耐刮耐磨。Echo科技布床褥梳化床有多種顏色可訂造。Echo科技布床褥梳化床採用超薄扶手設計,用盡小蝸居每吋空間,又可以靠牆擺放,慳位實用。獨立活動式cushion,厚實有份量,直接用來當枕頭都得!同樣是科技布面設計,親膚柔軟,大人小孩都喜歡。梳化靠背後方有條布拉手,可以伸手進去將梳化拉出來變形。梳化前方記得要留空間,方便翻出梳化床時,人可以向後移動。Echo科技布床褥梳化床,單手都可以翻出床架,女生獨自操作都無問題,開合簡單╴適合每天使用。Echo科技布床褥梳化床可打開成標準的六尺床,睡覺時不用屈住雙腳,自然有覺好睡。Echo科技布床褥梳化床變形成為床之後,依然有扶手和靠背,枕頭不會直接貼著牆壁擺放,多了一份依靠感。床褥梳化床包4吋厚高彈海綿床褥,柔軟舒適,完全感覺不到床褥下的鐵架,跟睡在地台床上無分別。梳化床已包含獨立床褥,可以使用標準款的床笠 (床笠需自行購買),換床單都非常簡單,用來招呼朋友就更方便了。梳化床的鐵架有床欄設計,可避免床褥移位,非常貼心。厚實的金屬床架,堅固可靠,良好的承托力令你睡覺時更加安穩,單人和雙人床都有得揀!梳化床翻出來後有獨立的金屬床腳支撐,穩固設計讓你睡得更安穩。Echo科技布床褥梳化床有多個顏色的科技布可選,配搭你的客廳風格。Echo科技布床褥梳化床的梳化尺寸,寬度有4個規格可訂造。Echo科技布床褥梳化床的梳化床尺寸,床褥寬度有4個規格可訂造。產品實物照: 6號科技布 (湖水藍)產品實物照: 15號科技布 (啡色)產品實物照: 15號科技布 (啡色)產品實物照: 15號科技布 (啡色)產品實物照: 15號科技布 (啡色)產品實物照: 15號科技布 (啡色)3人座床褥梳化床的包裝尺寸,訂購前可以度一度大門及大廈電梯夠不夠位送貨。
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Want an extra bed in the living room so friends and family can sleep over, but don't want to order an invisible bed? Comb bed should be your first choice! Echo technology cloth mattress carding bed is a flip deformation design, with an independent mattress, carding and carding, bed bed, two functions, two pieces of furniture, two together, while retaining the advantages of bed and carding.
Want an extra bed in the living room so friends and family can sleep over, but don’t want to order an invisible bed? Comb bed should be your first choice! Echo technology cloth mattress carding bed is a flip deformation design, with an independent mattress, carding and carding, bed bed, two functions, two pieces of furniture, two together, while retaining the advantages of bed and carding.
The surface of the technology cloth is easier to take care of than ordinary linen and flannelette, and it is also more scratch-resistant and wear-resistant. Echo Technology Fabric bedding comb bed is available in a variety of colors.
The surface of the technology cloth is easier to take care of than ordinary linen and flannelette, and it is also more scratch-resistant and wear-resistant. Echo Technology Fabric bedding comb bed is available in a variety of colors.
Echo technology cloth bed comb bed with ultra-thin armrest design, use up every inch of space in the small room, and can be placed against the wall, saving space and practical.
Echo technology cloth bed comb bed with ultra-thin armrest design, use up every inch of space in the small room, and can be placed against the wall, saving space and practical.
Some people do not like sleeping comb, because they feel that comb will be sat by many people, and guests will visit and sit on comb,Echo technology bedding comb bed can solve this problem, bedding is independently collected in comb, usually use comb state, is completely not in contact with the mattress, and you can add bed or bed sheets for the mattress, more sanitary and clean.
Some people do not like sleeping comb, because they feel that comb will be sat by many people, and guests will visit and sit on comb,Echo technology bedding comb bed can solve this problem, bedding is independently collected in comb, usually use comb state, is completely not in contact with the mattress, and you can add bed or bed sheets for the mattress, more sanitary and clean.
After the comb bed is transformed into a bed, it still has armrests and backrest, and the pillow will not be placed directly against the wall, which gives a feeling of dependence.
After the comb bed is transformed into a bed, it still has armrests and backrest, and the pillow will not be placed directly against the wall, which gives a feeling of dependence.
Echo technology cloth bed comb bed can be opened into a standard six-foot bed, sleep without bending feet, naturally have a good sleep.
Echo technology cloth bed comb bed can be opened into a standard six-foot bed, sleep without bending feet, naturally have a good sleep.
Echo Tech Fabric Bed The comb bed is available in multiple colors of tech fabric to match your living room style.
Echo Tech Fabric Bed The comb bed is available in multiple colors of tech fabric to match your living room style.
There is a bra hand behind the comb back, which can be reached into and pulled out of the comb.
There is a bra hand behind the comb back, which can be reached into and pulled out of the comb.
Remember to leave space in front of the comb, so that people can move backward when turning out the comb bed.
Remember to leave space in front of the comb, so that people can move backward when turning out the comb bed.
Echo technology cloth bed mattress comb bed, one hand can turn out the bed frame, girls alone operation is no problem, easy to open and close ╴ suitable for daily use.
Echo technology cloth bed mattress comb bed, one hand can turn out the bed frame, girls alone operation is no problem, easy to open and close ╴ suitable for daily use.
The iron frame of the comb bed has a bed rail design, which can avoid the displacement of the mattress, which is very intimate.
The iron frame of the comb bed has a bed rail design, which can avoid the displacement of the mattress, which is very intimate.
Bedding comb bed with 4 inches thick high elastic sponge mattress, soft and comfortable, completely can not feel the iron frame under the mattress, and sleeping on the platform bed is no different.
Bedding comb bed with 4 inches thick high elastic sponge mattress, soft and comfortable, completely can not feel the iron frame under the mattress, and sleeping on the platform bed is no different.
Comb bed has a separate mattress, you can use the standard type of bed hat (bed hat need to buy their own), change the sheets are very simple, used to greet friends is more convenient.
Comb bed has a separate mattress, you can use the standard type of bed hat (bed hat need to buy their own), change the sheets are very simple, used to greet friends is more convenient.
The comb bed comes out with an independent metal bed foot support, and the solid design allows you to sleep more peacefully.
The comb bed comes out with an independent metal bed foot support, and the solid design allows you to sleep more peacefully.
cushion is a kind of independent activity, thick and heavy, which can be used as pillows. The same technology cloth design, soft skin, adults and children like.
cushion is a kind of independent activity, thick and heavy, which can be used as pillows. The same technology cloth design, soft skin, adults and children like.
Thick metal bed frame, solid and reliable, good support makes you more stable when you sleep, single and double beds are available!
Thick metal bed frame, solid and reliable, good support makes you more stable when you sleep, single and double beds are available!
Echo technology cloth mattress carding bed size, mattress width of 4 specifications can be customized.
Echo technology cloth mattress carding bed size, mattress width of 4 specifications can be customized.
Echo technology cloth mattress carding bed carding size, width of 4 specifications can be customized.
Echo technology cloth mattress carding bed carding size, width of 4 specifications can be customized.
Product photo: No. 6 technology cloth (lake blue)
Product photo: No. 6 technology cloth (lake blue)
Product photo: No. 15 technology cloth (brown)
Product photo: No. 15 technology cloth (brown)
Product photo: No. 15 technology cloth (brown)
Product photo: No. 15 technology cloth (brown)
Product photo: No. 15 technology cloth (brown)
Product photo: No. 15 technology cloth (brown)
Product photo: No. 15 technology cloth (brown)
Product photo: No. 15 technology cloth (brown)
Product photo: No. 15 technology cloth (brown)
Product photo: No. 15 technology cloth (brown)
The packing size of the two-seater mattress comb bed, before ordering, you can check whether the gate and the building elevator are enough for delivery.
The packing size of the two-seater mattress comb bed, before ordering, you can check whether the gate and the building elevator are enough for delivery.
The packing size of the 3-seat mattress comb bed, before ordering, you can check whether the gate and the elevator of the building are enough for delivery.
The packing size of the 3-seat mattress comb bed, before ordering, you can check whether the gate and the elevator of the building are enough for delivery.



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