Chloe 實木餐邊櫃一體伸縮餐枱,伸縮儲物一體設計,細單位的福音,佔地面積細多種顏色可選,總有一款適合折疊餐椅組合搭配,美觀又實用客人實拍圖客人實拍圖客人實拍圖客人實拍圖客人實拍圖客人實拍圖客人實拍圖客人實拍圖客人實拍圖客人實拍圖客人實拍圖客人實拍圖客人實拍圖客人實拍圖客人實拍圖客人實拍圖客人實拍圖小款尺寸圖 注:小款取消了儲物空間,但兩邊還是可以收納椅子大款尺寸圖中款尺寸圖餐椅尺寸圖
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Supplementary Info
Chloe solid wood side cabinet integrated telescopic dining table, telescopic storage integrated design, the Gospel of small units, covers a small area
Chloe solid wood side cabinet integrated telescopic dining table, telescopic storage integrated design, the Gospel of small units, covers a small area
Available in a variety of colors, there's always one that fits
Available in a variety of colors, there’s always one that fits

Folding dining chair combination collocation, beautiful and practical

Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Real picture of the guest
Small size map note: The small model cancels the storage space, but the two sides can still store chairs
Small size map note: The small model cancels the storage space, but the two sides can still store chairs
Big money size drawing
Big money size drawing
Medium size drawing
Medium size drawing
Dining chair dimensions
Dining chair dimensions




stocked cabinet

online products

Solid wood dining table

Dining table and sideboard set

Extendable dining table





非常抱歉! 2022年11月7日沙田石門門市內部裝修,休業一天,如有查詢歡迎whatsapp 我們 

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