If there are many debris in your room, you may wish to consider making a deepening platform. This floor bed is 800mm high, enough for you to put the rubber box of two layers of Japanese wooden cities and hold it. To make such a high floor bed, you must make a steps for easy up and down. Sometimes because the area of the floor is too large, the bedboard should not be made into a whole piece. If it is made into a whole piece, the space inside will be difficult to use. Because the bedboard is open after opening, it is a triangular structure. If you use the innermost space, you must climb the front things to use it. Therefore, when we helped this guest designed by this guest, considering this problem, we made the floor compartment and the last space into the door panel. Can be placed directly vertically. In this way, it can become extremely convenient when it is stored or extracted. All our floor doors will be supported by oil pressure gas. The anti -clip design will be closed slowly when closed, and we will not pinch the children’s fingers.
Such a large platform space also brings a huge play space to children. When I was free, I went to sleep in a good place.

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