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  • *床褥類型

    面布(不可拆洗): 進口天絲布
    褥芯: 蠶絲+高彈海綿+天然乳膠+獨立袋裝彈簧+熱烘棉
    軟硬度: 偏軟
    特色: 面墊可拆走使用, 四邊有防撞海綿及護角
    厚度規格: 外計20cm或以上


    面布(不可拆洗): 進口蠶絲布
    褥芯: 蠶絲+高彈海綿+天然按摩乳膠+獨立袋裝彈簧+熱烘棉
    軟硬度: 中軟
    特色: 面墊可拆走使用, 四邊有防撞海綿及護角
    厚度規格: 外計20cm或以上


    面布(不可拆洗): 進口比利時針織布
    褥芯: 蠶絲+高彈海綿+天然乳膠+獨立袋裝彈簧+代棕棉+熱烘棉
    軟硬度: 適中
    特色: 四邊有防撞海綿及護角
    厚度規格: 外計20cm或以上


    面布(不可拆洗): 歐洲山羊絨面料
    褥芯: 蠶絲+高彈海綿+3D原料雙面網層+獨立袋裝彈簧+熱烘棉
    軟硬度: 中軟
    特色: 四邊有防撞海綿及護角
    厚度規格: 外計20cm或以上


    面布(不可拆洗): 豪華竹炭針織布
    褥芯: 蠶絲+高彈海綿+護脊棉+獨立袋裝彈簧+熱烘棉
    軟硬度: 中軟
    特色: 四邊有防撞海綿及護角
    厚度規格: 外計20cm或以上

    面布(不可拆洗): 高級進口針織布
    褥芯: 高彈海綿+馬來西亞天然軟棕+獨立袋裝彈簧+熱烘棉
    軟硬度: 適中
    特色: 四邊有防撞海綿及護角
    厚度規格: 外計20cm或以上


    面布(不可拆洗): 高級針織布
    褥芯: 蠶絲+高彈海綿+3E椰夢纖維(椰棕)+獨立袋裝彈簧+熱烘棉
    軟硬度: 偏硬
    特色: 四邊有防撞海綿及護角
    厚度規格: 外計20cm或以上


    面布(不可拆洗): 高雄針織布
    褥芯: 天然按摩乳膠+3E椰夢纖維 (椰棕)+獨立袋裝彈簧
    軟硬度: 正面軟,底面硬
    特色: 面墊可拆走使用, 四邊有防撞海綿及護角
    厚度規格: 外計15cm或以上

    面布(不可拆洗): 高雄針織布
    褥芯: 天然按摩乳膠+3E椰夢纖維 (椰棕)+獨立袋裝彈簧
    軟硬度: 正面軟,底面硬
    特色: 面墊可拆走使用, 四邊有防撞海綿及護角
    厚度規格: 外計15cm或以上

    面布(不可拆洗): 比利時竹纖維布料
    褥芯: 按摩海綿+天然乳膠+環保代棕棉+獨立袋裝彈簧+熱烘棉
    軟硬度: 中軟
    特色: 面墊可拆走使用, 四邊有防撞海綿及護角
    厚度規格: 外計15cm或以上

    面布(不可拆洗): 比利時竹纖維布料
    褥芯: 按摩海綿+天然乳膠+環保代棕棉+獨立袋裝彈簧+熱烘棉
    軟硬度: 中軟
    特色: 面墊可拆走使用, 四邊有防撞海綿及護角
    厚度規格: 外計15cm或以上


    面布(不可拆洗): 比利時竹纖維布料
    褥芯: 按摩海綿+天然乳膠+環保代棕棉+獨立袋裝彈簧+熱烘棉
    軟硬度: 中軟
    特色: 面墊可拆走使用, 四邊有防撞海綿及護角
    厚度規格: 外計15cm或以上

    面布(不可拆洗): 高密度針織布
    褥芯: 高彈海綿+天然乳膠+獨立袋裝彈簧+環保棉
    軟硬度: 適中
    特色: 四邊有防撞海綿及護角
    厚度規格: 外計12.5cm或以上

    面布(不可拆洗): 豪華竹炭針織布
    褥芯: 高彈海綿+太空記憶棉+獨立袋裝彈簧+熱烘棉
    軟硬度: 偏軟
    特色: 高彈+慢回彈技術,能吸收均分人體壓力及重量,實現「零壓力」效果
    厚度規格: 外計12.5cm或以上

    面布(不可拆洗): 竹纖維布料
    褥芯: 高密度軟棉+獨立袋裝彈簧
    軟硬度: 中軟
    特色: 四邊有防撞海綿及護角
    厚度規格: 外計12.5cm或以上

    面布(不可拆洗): 竹纖維布料
    褥芯: 高密度軟棉+獨立袋裝彈簧
    軟硬度: 中軟
    特色: 四邊有防撞海綿及護角
    厚度規格: 外計12.5cm或以上

    面布(不可拆洗): 高級單針花紋布
    褥芯: 天然椰棕纖維+天然乳膠+連鎖彈簧
    軟硬度: 偏硬
    特色: 床褥面特色花紋
    厚度規格: 外計15cm或以上


    面布(不可拆洗): 比利時華麗針織布
    褥芯: 天然乳膠+代棕棉+高密度海綿+連鎖彈簧
    軟硬度: 適中
    特色: 特色進口針織布, 四邊有防撞海綿及護角
    厚度規格: 外計15cm或以上


    面布(不可拆洗): 高級針織布
    褥芯: 高彈海綿+3E椰夢纖維 (椰棕)+連鎖彈簧+熱烘棉
    軟硬度: 偏硬
    特色: 四邊有防撞海綿及護角
    厚度規格: 外計15cm或以上


    面布(不可拆洗): 高級進口針織布
    褥芯: 3分按摩海綿+3E椰夢纖維 (椰棕)+連鎖彈簧
    軟硬度: 正面軟,底面硬
    特色: 正面面層有按摩海綿 (底面沒有),發揮減壓功效
    厚度規格: 外計15cm或以上

    面布(不可拆洗): 高級複合布料
    褥芯: 3E椰夢纖維 (椰棕)+連鎖彈簧
    軟硬度: 偏硬
    特色: 面墊可拆走使用
    厚度規格: 外計15cm或以上


    面布(不可拆洗): 高級針織布
    褥芯: 天然乳膠+3E椰夢纖維 (椰棕)+連鎖彈簧
    軟硬度: 適中
    特色: 面墊可拆走使用
    厚度規格: 外計15cm或以上


    面布(不可拆洗): 高級針織布
    褥芯: 連鎖彈簧
    軟硬度: 中硬
    特色: 四邊有防撞海綿及護角
    厚度規格: 外計15cm或以上


    面布(不可拆洗): 比利時針織布料
    褥芯: 高彈海綿+天然乳膠+3E椰夢纖維 (椰棕)+連鎖彈簧+熱烘棉
    軟硬度: 適中
    特色: 連體兩層設計, 四邊有防撞海綿及護角
    厚度規格: 外計12.5cm或以上

    面布(不可拆洗): 比利時竹纖維布料
    褥芯: 按摩海綿+連鎖彈簧
    軟硬度: 中軟
    特色: 四邊有防撞海綿及護角
    厚度規格: 外計12.5cm或以上

    面布(面墊可拆洗): 高級針織布
    褥芯: 3E椰夢纖維 (椰棕)+連鎖彈簧
    軟硬度: 偏硬
    特色: 面墊可獨立拆洗, 四邊有防撞海綿及護角
    厚度規格: 外計12.5cm或以上

    面布(不可拆洗): 條紋布料 (英標阻燃防火)
    褥芯: 按摩海綿+環保棉+連鎖彈簧
    軟硬度: 適中
    特色: 正面面層有按摩海綿 (底面沒有),發揮減壓功效
    厚度規格: 外計12.5cm或以上

    面布(可拆洗): 進口天絲布
    褥芯: 天然乳膠+3E椰夢纖維 (椰棕)
    軟硬度: 適中
    特色: 面布開拉鏈可拆洗
    厚度規格: 外計5cm或以上


    面布(可拆洗): 進口針織布 (棉麻絲)
    褥芯: 3E椰夢纖維 (全椰棕)
    軟硬度: 偏硬
    特色: 面布開拉鏈可拆洗
    厚度規格: 外計5cm或以上


    面布(面墊可拆洗): 進口冰涼絲布料
    褥芯: 3E椰夢纖維 (全椰棕)
    軟硬度: 偏硬
    特色: 面墊可拆洗
    厚度規格: 外計5cm或以上








    *其他床褥厚度 (cm)


    *其他床褥厚度 (cm)


    *其他床褥厚度 (cm)


    *其他床褥厚度 (cm)

    注意: 彈簧高度最少為4吋 (10cm),因此床褥外計厚度約為5吋 (12.5cm)




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Supplementary Info

Why choose our mattress?

Our mattress brand HoLetto is a sister brand of HoLetto. It is developed and produced by ourselves. Our factory has strict quality control to ensure that the mattress materials are of high quality and comply with the international ISO9001 quality management certification. It can also be Sold to customers at reasonable prices.

When we order furniture for customers, we are often asked by customers: “If the size of the bed frame can be customized, can the mattress be customized?” The advantage of custom-made furniture is of course that the size of the furniture can be customized freely, but When it comes to mattresses, not every mattress specialty store provides customized mattress services. Most of them only provide standard sizes for customers to order.

In addition, we often help customers customize flip beds, bunk beds, and L-shaped beds. The required mattress size and thickness have specific requirements. Therefore, in order for our guests to have a more comfortable sleeping experience, we now provide custom-made beds. For mattress service, we also offer a discount on mattress and bed box packages.

Own factory. Quality guaranteed

Whether it is a mattress ordered independently or a mattress with a bed box package, they are all developed and produced by us. Our mattress production plant is located in Dongguan, China. We have strict quality control to ensure the use of the mattress. The materials are of high quality and comply with the international ISO9001 quality management certification, allowing guests to have a worry-free sleeping experience.

At the same time, because we have our own factories, warehouses and logistics teams, we can reduce production and transportation costs, making our mattresses more affordable, allowing customers to buy the most comfortable mattresses at a more affordable price.

High quality materials. Close support

Each of our mattresses is made of high-quality materials – independent pocket springs, 6-point natural latex surface, high-density foam anti-collision corners and imported knitted fabrics, aiming to provide guests with an extremely comfortable sleeping experience.

Cylindrical pocket springs, each spring is individually packaged with cloth, and the steel wire is relatively thin. Each spring is independent and has high elasticity. It can provide multi-faceted support to the body and is more compliant with the curves of the body. In addition, because each spring is independently stressed, there will be less dynamic transmission, and turning around will not easily affect the people around you.


Natural latex is highly durable, sourced from nature, meets environmental requirements, effectively inhibits the growth of mold and dust mites, and can be used for 20 years or more.

We choose a 6-point latex surface design, which has good support and strong resilience, can evenly bear force and disperse body pressure points. The open-hole structure allows air circulation, improves heat dissipation, and brings a comfortable sleeping experience.

Sizes are freely customizable. More elastic

In order to provide guests with more choices, we have a variety of customized mattress sizes to choose from, suitable for any bed type, including platform beds, hydraulic beds, bunk beds, children’s beds, transformable beds and invisible beds. .

Some mattress specialty stores only provide integer mattress sizes of 3 feet, 4 feet, 5 feet, and 6 feet. We often help customers customize furniture. We understand that the living space in Hong Kong is limited, and customers are interested in 3 and a half feet and 4 and a half feet. , 5 and a half feet and other non-standard size mattresses, as well as the thinnest 2-foot mattress, so we decided to customize mattresses in multiple sizes for our customers.

Sometimes bunk beds or bunk beds need a thinner mattress due to the limitations of the floor and want to gain more space for activities; or children’s beds may also need thinner mattresses, and we can also customize them for customers. .

There are more and more nano-units, and transformable furniture such as invisible beds, transformable beds, and desk beds have become very popular among Hong Kong owners in recent years. However, many customers may not understand that the weight and thickness of mattresses will directly affect the structural safety of transformable beds. When looking for a good furniture and custom-made furniture, when you purchase a mattress at the same time, we can more accurately match the suitable hydraulic air support to ensure smooth opening and closing and structural safety.

We now provide a simple online mattress ordering service. You can order mattresses and mattress and bed box packages instantly on our website. If you need a specific size, you can also contact our customer service colleagues.

If you want to experience our mattresses for yourself, welcome to visit a Hao Furniture store.

Additional information


床褥, 床褥連床箱套餐, 床褥連變形床套餐



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非常抱歉! 2022年11月7日沙田石門門市內部裝修,休業一天,如有查詢歡迎whatsapp 我們 

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